Bring back sport specific booster clubs and have proceeds go toward the programs Lifetime Cardinal account. Something was lost when Bowlslby (I think it was him) decided to eliminate sport specific booster clubs and put donations in one pot. He then decided to add a donation for premium seats, which made premium seats unaffordable to the average income Bay area fan and seniors, who loyal alums from the 50’s and 60”s. The booster clubs slowly slipped away because there wasn’t motivation for teams to do any events since the weren’t any monetary returns. The teams also said that couldn’t have events, because they were restricted on how much time they could spend with the players
I think the NIL and Lifetime Cardinal changes the playing field. Bring back sports related booster clubs. Don’t charge an arm and a leg to join. Charge to attend breakfasts, auctions, banquets, booster trips, etc.. Players get paid to attend. Money generated stays in the sport NIL account
The season premium season ticket holders and big donors are getting a lot of perks, and deservedly so, but not having your average fan, or fan to be, have a chance to get closer to the program and donate is a missed opportunity, imo.
I think the NIL and Lifetime Cardinal changes the playing field. Bring back sports related booster clubs. Don’t charge an arm and a leg to join. Charge to attend breakfasts, auctions, banquets, booster trips, etc.. Players get paid to attend. Money generated stays in the sport NIL account
The season premium season ticket holders and big donors are getting a lot of perks, and deservedly so, but not having your average fan, or fan to be, have a chance to get closer to the program and donate is a missed opportunity, imo.